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About Us

About Us started around 1981 as a local bike shop and now has thousands of happy customers (aka friends). The other bike shops in the area were not strong in BMX so my dad opened a bicycle shop. More details below about the transition into growing sales. We remain a family owned operation that sells BMX Parts, BMX Bikes and other products and accessories. We do lots of bike repairs and assemblies. Today we even sell ebike batteries, motors, chargers and ebike parts. In an attempt to sell worldwide we advertised ourselves as American Cycle Express in the BMX print magazines like BMX Plus, Ride, BMX Action, Transworld and others. During the Dot Com revolution, and were chosen website names for our bike shop. ACE was short for American Cycle Express so we made a second bmx specific website called In 2023 we combined our two websites into one to make things simpler for everyone. We are a full service brick and mortar ecommerce operation that sells to both locals and worldwide.

Did you know that BMX stands for Bicycle Moto Cross? The cross is the X.  

Fact: Wes BMX mail order was about three miles from us just across the Susquehanna River. The owner's son and I grew up together in the same town. We rode BMX together. We were part of the reason that freestyle was born. Our businesses supplied customers with parts and bikes which helped the BMX industry to survive and grow. I was already in the bike business in 1981 when I was inspired by Wes BMX to go big with worldwide bicycle mail order.

Today we are still selling bikes and bike parts all over the world. At the bike shop we sell complete assembled bikes, bike parts and do repairs on bicycles. You can pick all the parts you want and we can build your custom bike from scratch. You can even get your custom wheels built and trued with us. We work on most any type of bike like Mountain, City, Road, Gravel, Scooters, ebikes, Hybrid and BMX.

Some of the best-selling complete bike brands are Cult, Sunday, Kink, GT, Redline, Colony, Eastern, Fit, S&M, Stranger, Haro, DK and WTP. As far as bike parts, the best bike part brands are Shimano, Chase, Insight, Answer, Box, Helium, Bombshell, Tangent, Odyssey, GT, Primo, Shadow, Cult, Profile Racing, Redline, Supercross, Speedline and Haro to name a few.

You can get any of the bicycle parts you need to build or replace on your freestyle or racing bike. This is a bike parts list. We can advise you on which bike parts fit on your bike. Email us your sales or technical questions.

Seatpost Clamp
BMX Accessories: Number Plates, Padsets, Locks, Pumps, Tools
BMX Clothing: Jersey, Pants, Gloves Helmets

Below is a picture of the owners Hutch custom BMX Bike. This bike was stolen and recovered, sold, then recovered again.

bike-hutch-oldschool-acebmx.jpg Bike Sales History started at the very beginnings of the BMX and Freestyle revolution in 1980. I worked at my fathers brick and mortar bike shop as a bike mechanic and in bicycle sales. During high school I worked after school and weekends for several years. With so many years of experience I became a highly skilled bike mechanic and have repaired thousands of bikes over the years. A friend of mine across the river started a BMX Mail Order company and was doing quite well, sales wise. He was selling bikes and bike parts all over the country and worldwide. At the time GT bicycles, Haro Bicycles, Elf Bicycles, Redline, Hoffman bikes and Hutch bikes were among the top sellers.

American Cycle Express started putting full page advertisements in BMX Plus and Ride BMX magazine and sales were very good. We hired some good people to help with all the telephone calls and shipping all the boxes out. We started long before Danscomp, J&R and many other bike mail order operations. When the internet formed long ago and you could advertise on a website, I was fascinated at the marketing possibilities of worldwide sales potential. American Cycle then became a .com company. Being a .com company is not easy and we have gone through several website changes so that we can support eCommerce changes and increase our visibility. You can now easily find the bikes and bike parts you are looking for using the search box at the top right corner of every page. If you need bike repairs or anything for your bike you can find us in Johnson City New York. 

With the inspiration I got from my friend at Wes BMX to facilitate my interest, I dedicated my life to helping out my customers. We are now starting to see the potential of electric bike sales and we now sell ebikes and ebike replacement batteries. I am a environmentalist and believe we all should recycle, save our Earths resources and get more people riding bicycles.

Today we are selling complete bikes and bike parts to all parts of the world. SE Racing, Sunday, Stranger, GT, Fit, DK, Avent, Kink, Cult, Verde, Redline and Haro are some of our complete bike brands. As far as bike parts we like Profile Racing, Insight, Elevn, Box, Bombshell, Snafu, Primo, S&M, Odyssey, Shimano, Haro, Redline and Cliq to name a few. We try to stock mainly the best parts for the job and we put as much helpful product information as possible on our website. All this makes getting the parts you need easy and fast.

We are always looking to improve so that our customers are happy with our service. If you feel you can help us in some way please email your details.

Search Engine Optimization and website content management are some of the areas we could use some help maintaining. We are also looking for a operations manager to help handle the huge surge in sales in 2020 triggered by the Covid19 Pandemic that got people more interested in outdoor activities. I hope you enjoyed reading about bike sales history.

Thank you for your business and we hope we helped you out in some way. 

Sincerely yours,


ps Support family run businesses.

Here is a link to our reviews for us on

This the story and details about the owners Hutch Custom Bike you may like to read.

Joe the Owner also Skateboards. Check him out on Youtube

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 For more information on the BMX Bike Revolution you can read these informational pages & Since 1981